Ways to aid your self care | ATypicalLife

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been a bit vacant, blogging resolution going strong (not) but I’ve been giving myself time to get back into my college routine and making sure I have time to do all my essays and tests I’ve been given. I also had a dance show two weeks ago and have another one in just less than three weeks (so please bear with me) which is pretty exciting! However, I’ve also had some time off to focus on self care, which is what this post is going to be heavily focused on. Towards the end of last year, from October really, my mental state plummeted. I’d just started a levels, I didn’t want to go into college, I was constantly worrying about my future and having break downs to my family- I never really admitted to anyone how bad it was. However, the new year started off positive and, give or take a few mishaps, has stayed that way. I love going to college, except full days pretty obviously, and this new mindset is predominantly the result of one change but there are a couple of tips I want to share with you, literally some so trivial they probably make you want to laugh, but have a big effect.

  1. Be selfish and get rid of anything negative: I know this sounds so obvious and vague but there’s a reason for that. Whether it be a friend or a situation that’s giving you anxiety, drop it as soon as you feel something isn’t right. I know If it’s a friend you’re getting rid of then it’s ridiculously hard to do without making things awkward for everybody else, especially in school or the workplace but if it’s going to make you feel better, it’s really worth it. For me, it wasn’t a friend it was school stress. As you know from earlier in this post and other posts, I’m a dancer. I go to two different dance schools and am currently in my college’s dance company. I was also doing level 3 BTEC dance as my fourth a level which at the start I loved. However I just felt so out of place and it was so much stress. Obviously a levels are stress but it was unnecessary stress which was making me hate dance- something I NEVER want to do so I dropped the subject. I want to enjoy dancing and make it fun and it wasn’t like that anymore. It was so hard for me to do as I hate quitting, it’s not me. But one message I really want to express is quitting is okay if it’s affecting your mental health, do everything for yourself.


Clean room: Okay so if my mum reads this she’ll be laughing right now thinking I’m very hypocritical. Hear me out, though my room has only been clean for a solid week and a half. It’s like a massive weight that’s been lifted from my shoulders. They say: tidy room, tidy mind and it couldn’t be more correct. A massive declutter is essential to make you feel less stressed and disorganised. However, don’t do what I used to do and just shove everything into draws- it comes back to haunt you! I’ve had a clear out of my wardrobe and plan to do my dressing table draws tonight- let me know if you would like a post on this because a decluttering post is actually something I’d really like to do.


Music: I ADORE a good music playlist in the morning when I’m getting ready. As you’re reading this, make a playlist of your favourite feel good tunes. There is always an urge to put some slower ones on but don’t! Make this a separate playlist if you want but keep your morning one as positive as you can to get you ready for the day. Some of my favourites currently are ugly heart-GRL, Party in the USA- Miley Cyrus and Classic by MKTO. They’re some older ones but absolutely essential to get me in a good mood for the day!


Buy a new razor, loofer, toothbrush, flannel etc: Something so simple but makes such a big difference. It’s the little things that can affect how you’re feeling. Also buying yourself new things doesn’t exactly mean new expensive makeup or clothes. You should swap your toothbrush every 3 months, I know I don’t do that but it’s actually really important for hygiene. I don’t even want to think about when I last got a new loofah, all the bacteria on it makes me feel a little ill


The correct way to make to do lists: So for me, to do lists make the world go round. I don’t think I’d be able to get through the day without one, It helps me to remember everything I need to do and those tiny squares you need to tick really do motivate you to get going! My favourite way to do them is to actually buy a cute to do list booklet, I’m not completely sure where mine’s from but I know it was some place cheap like Wilko or Poundland, and it’s SO cute! The physical doing of writing your goals for the day is scientifically proven to motivate you more to achieve them. So you can write them on your phone if you want – but it’s not something I recommend, it’s way more satisfying to actually tick the box. Also, break your goals down. For example, a lot of my old to do lists would be:clean my room. And it wasn’t quite specific enough and if I’d spent ages cleaning my wardrobe but never got my desk done, I’d feel as if I’d failed for the day. So it’s best to break down your list into smaller categories like ‘clean desk’ ‘clean wardrobe’ to get more done in the day. Also, there’s nothing I stress more than putting fun aspects or less stressful tasks on your to do list. For example on mine I include:wash hair and shave. Sometimes even: put on a face mask. To do lists are great out if you’re not including self care, it can spiral into days of constant work. My final tip on to do lists is to categorise them into subs. I split my list into Urgent, semi important, and relaxed. That way I know to do all my urgent ones straight away and work down, because I used to always have a habit of doing the easy ones and not tackling the harder ones with deadlines!


Go get your hair done!: This is one is pretty self explanatory, whether it’s going for a whole new cut and colour (which can be very refreshing and motivational) or just a cut and a wash, getting my hair done is one of my absolute luxuries and something I look forward to majorly when it’s just around the corner. Speaking of, I need to do exactly that very soon as it’s starting to be nearer to spring, and I love my blonde hair in the warmer months.


Do some exercise: I know this is probably the most hated, and when I used to see things like this on YouTube and blogs I would ignore it but that’s why I’ve put it last. When you think of treating yourself you think of chocolate and a movie, and though that can be great, it’s not always the case. Getting a sweat on is the best self care you can give yourself, whether it’s dancing, running or just some simple stretches. The endorphins released make you extremely happy and the chemicals in sweat do your skin more wonder than any other cleanser or moisturiser ever could. Plus, getting blood pumping round your body and making yourself healthier, fitter and more toned can never be a bad thing right?

So they are my tips! I know a lot of these types of posts are usually read and ignored but I PROMISE you that these work an absolute miracle. Please give them a go, none of them are insanely big changes and don’t cost you an extreme amount of money (unless you do go for the whole new hairstyle) and have helped me dramatically, I swear once you do this you’ll never look back. If your mental health is deteriorating please never fret to talk to someone about it! I’ll leave links below for anyone struggling and my social media’s are always open to talk. Again I’m sorry for the hiatus and posts might be a bit wobbly for the next few weeks or so but I promise I’ll get back into a schedule when the chaos is over! Byee!


Q: What is one of your self care tips?



https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/what-are-mental-health-problems/mental-health-help-you/other-useful-organisations -list of mental health and suicidal hotlines

11 thoughts on “Ways to aid your self care | ATypicalLife

  1. All Things Girly says:

    Life can be challenging and I agree you do need to avoid as much negativity as you can. Everyone deals with situations differently but I agree looking and pampering after yourself makes you feel good about yourself, music definitely helps, and prioritise, set goals, I think some of us making situations worse than what they are and making lists whether it’s daily tasks or steps to improve ourselves can help too. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sandra Shields, Food and Wellness Blogger, Health Coach, Healthy Living, Food Intolerance Recipes, Well Rounded Living says:

    Good tips! Playing happy music and organization is super! There is nothing like a closet purge! I also like to make sure I start my day with a nutrient dense breakfast, usually a smoothie, and also in the evening if it has been a long day, I always feel much better in the morning after a luxurious bath with Epsom salts and a face mask while I soak.

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