Collabs and q&a questions needed

Hi guys! Just a quick post that will most likely be deleted soon. I’m looking to do some collabs, if interested just leave a comment below of your site and what type of collab you’d like to do.

Also, i’m looking to do a q&a in the new year so any questions please also leave them below. Thanks!

ATypicalLife x

23 thoughts on “Collabs and q&a questions needed

  1. Hailey @ IWATPB says:

    Ooh! Can we collab? You can reach me easiest through Instagram (@teenagepolarbear). And as for questions, what do you want to do as a career when you grow up?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kedeanie says:

    I am very up for a collaboration! I am new to the blog scene so I don’t really know what a collab looks like. Hit me up on Instagram at @sourhoughbaking. I am up for recipe development/testing, interrupting my normal flow to do something new and cool like reviewing things, books, COOK!books, kitchen or home decor, idk man, but I’m down!

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