5 tips for happiness | ATypicalLife

Hey guys! So I’m not normally this inspirational but I’ve been thinking how recently I’ve been feeling little bits of happiness every now and then and how my overall wellbeing has been pretty positive recently so I wanted to share what I’ve been doing differently, they’re not going to change your mood drastically so please don’t think that these will, they just help to uplift my mood, and I hope they will for you too.

  1. So firstly, something quite small which I do everyday is listen to music. I absolutely love to listen to music every morning before school, it just puts me in a good mood for the day and I know it sounds absolutely mental but I can genuinely realise a difference if I don’t listen to music in the morning. I absolutely love the feel good Friday but I don’t know quite a lot of the songs and I love to sing along so I have made my own feel good playlist which I can link below for you if would like
  2. Finding a hobby, so obviously I have blogging, but one of my other hobbies is also dance. There’s Something about a hobby that just makes you happy when you go to do it, as long as you enjoy it, I think it’s the feeling of pride when you achieve something within that hobby. Such as reaching a certain amount of subscribers, like when I reached 350. Also, a hobby stops you from being bored at home and procrastinating, which can really drag your mood down
  3. Eating healthy, yes I know I sound like your mum. I’m also probably the worst person to tell you this but just making a few adaptations can really enhance your mood. Just eating some fruit a day and drinking lots of water (this is very hypocritical of me) can make a difference
  4. Tidy room, tidy mind, tidy life. I’m 90% sure that is not the saying but you get the gist. If you saw my bedroom right now you would literally not trust anything I was saying. But I can prove this as at the minute my rooms a mess, and my life’s a mess. Seriously though if your surroundings are clean and tidy it will improve your wellbeing massively.
  5. Be organised! Okay so this is the massive one. It’s quite vague so I mainly apply this to my school work, i like to complete all my homework and coursework as soon as possible so they’re then done and I don’t have to worry about it. However this can apply to out of school life. On a weekend I always make myself a to do list on what I want to do that weekend, so for example this weekend I will focus on cleaning my room and writing up lots of blog posts as I finish my exams this week.
  6. Okay I know this said 5 tips but I’ve got 6😂 okay so my last tip is just treating yourself now and then. This can be shopping now and then like buying a lush bath bomb or some stationary. Another favourite is baking and making yourself some cookies or buns etc on a weekend to unwind and munch on while watching a film or YouTube.

Okay so they are my main tips! I hope you enjoyed and I hope they help in someway! Also it’s really good to be back after my months off. I have a slight favour in wondering if we maybe can get 400 followers for my birthday? Ooh cheeky. Anyway guys, I’m off to go watch love island, byeee!!

ATypicalLife x

27 thoughts on “5 tips for happiness | ATypicalLife

  1. californiangirl says:

    Okay, so happy i discovered your blog since we are basically long lost twins! I related to all of these tips and my hobby is dance as well! New subscriber right here!


    Liked by 3 people

    • typicalteenager76 says:

      Yeah same! Unfortunately that is not the case at the moment as my surroundings are a bit messy at the moment (understatement) but I’m excited to sort it out on the weekend xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. andiecarmelxo says:

    I have to agree with all of these, especially the being organised and tidy. (i’m still not as tidy as i’d like to be but i’m working on it!) but I certainly feel less stressed in a tidy and organised environment.
    Great post! x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Iridescence says:

    I completely agree with point 1! I followed that ritual for maybe the last two years of high school. It really made my days feel better. And I completely agree with 4 and 5. I’m someone who loves to plan and organize my life, and every since I started properly planning my tasks and days, life has been going more smoothly.

    You’ve listed all points that truly work. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Bayance says:

    So true! And another one for me would be trying new things. I want to start learning crochet. I attempted it last year but it was so messy and since I’m moving, I could put a corner for crocheting so everything would be organized. Organization is so true too but sometimes I’m so lazy. Sorry for the long comment but I just found your blog so I’m basically stalking through all your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • typicalteenager76 says:

      I tried to learn crochet but wasn’t too great! May have to try again now! And yup I’m lazy aswell ahah. No don’t worry about it! Long comments are my favourite, thank you so much! X

      Liked by 1 person

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